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Disputed cases

Track a member'sdisputed cases. A disputed case can be a disagreement about the amount due on a bill, the amount the insurance company paid on a claim, the nonpayment of a claim, or similar situations.

Note: Your system can be configured to automatically reduce disability transactions by overpayment amounts, or prompt the operator to recover an overpayment amount, or have no overpayment reduction. Contact your Bridgeway representative to set or change SAC (System Administration Control) settings. Don't change SACs without first consulting Bridgeway as changing them can affect other functions and global system settings.

Enter a disputed case

  1. Search for and open the member to update.
  2. From the Claims menu select Disputed Cases.

    Any field with an asterisk * next to it or a red border around it must be completed before you can continue.

  3. Any existing cases display. To add a new case, click below the tracking table .

    Note: The information that you enter into the Disputed Cases table displays as an option in the Linked Disputes for Claim list on the Links workspace.
  4. Select the case Type. Type codes are user-defined.
  5. Select the Status, either Open or Closed.

    Note: Default disputed case types and status come pre-loaded with the software, but can be added, edited, or deleted by your administrator. Contact your administrator for more information.
  6. Select the date you opened the case at Open Date. Click and select a date or enter a date in MM/DD/YYYY format.
    • When you close the case, update the Closed Date.
  7. Enter the Recovered Amount.
    • Your User ID automatically displays as the Operator.
  8. The Total Paid amount updates based on all claims that are linked to the disputed case.
  9. Enter a Settlement Amount if this is part of your office process and you have settled the case.
  10. Enter any comments associated with the case in the Comment box.
  11. Click and then Save icon.

Link associated claims to a disputed case

  1. From the Case Info subtab, select Associated Claims, then click Link Claim to display a window with claims (if any are available) to select from.

  2. Use the check boxes to select the claim or claims to link and click OK.
  3. The claim you selected displays in the table.

Update a disputed case

  1. Click the case table row to update. The fields below the table display the information for that case.
  2. Update the necessary information (Closed Date, Settlement Amount, and Comments, etc.).
  3. Click and then Save icon .

View disputed case disability details

From the Case Info subtab, select Disability. A read-only table of disability transactions related to the case displays.

Filter disputed case criteria for claims

Set up criteria for claims (associated to a disputed case) to pend P26 (disputed). If a disputed case is open for a member/dependent, only claims that match the criteria will pend P26 (disputed) and all other claims will process as normal, whether they be released or pended under another code. Set this criteria up to increase the auto adjudication rate for claims that are unrelated to the disputed case.

  1. Click the case table row to update. The fields below the table display the information for that case.
  2. Click the Filter Criteria tab.
  3. Click .

  4. Enter the criteria's effective date range. Enter the first day of the date range for From Date and the last day for Through Date.
  5. Enter the criteria. This can be any combination of Plan Type, Billing Provider ID, Diagnosis Code, Procedure Code, and Benefit Code.

    1. Click the field to add criteria. The bottom table changes to the field type you've clicked.

    2. Click .
    3. Click the new empty row. Type the type, ID, or code. Depending on the criteria type, you might be able to search for the type/ID/code or select from a list. For example, you can select a Plan Type from a dropdown list, as shown above.
    4. If you want to add more than one type/ID/code, click again.
  6. Once you've added the criteria, click to update the disputed case.
  7. Click to save.

Create a disputed case report

  1. To get a claim's history report for the member's disputed cases.
    • Any linked disability occurrence detail related to the disputed case, shows at the end of the report.
    • The case report will include any disability or health claims for a member or dependent.
  2. Click .
  3. Retrieve the report from the print queue. See Print queue—Retrieve a print job.

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